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A little bit about us

Established in 1990, The Canadian Club of WA is a social club open to anyone interested in participating in a wide range of events for Club Members and their families. Some of our major events include: Canada Day celebrations, Halloween parties, Thanksgiving Dinner, skating parties and Campfires.

We always get a great crowd who enjoy coming together to celebrate Thanksgiving over a delicious turkey dinner, complete with homemade pumpkin pie. Why not join us! 

The CCWA is run by a voluntary Executive Committee, which is elected, on an annual basis at the Annual General Meeting (AGM). 

The Executive Committee members are volunteers and work closely with other volunteers to run the events.  We always welcome more volunteers so if you are interested in volunteering for events, get in touch!

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Our Mission

We welcome Canadians living in Western Australia and provide a forum for new arrivals to connect to the local community. We provide fellowship and opportunities for our members to celebrate our Canadian heritage through participation in Canadian inspired events.

Our events provide networking opportunities to meet others in similar circumstances. We represent Canada at appropriate commemorations in Western Australia.